If you want to get a dog and one of the choices you are considering is an Old Tyme Bulldog, then this article will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision on whether this breed of dog is a good choice for you!
The height of a male Old Tyme Bulldog will be between 44 and 48 centimeters, and for a female it will be between 31 and 44.
The weight of a standard male Old Tyme Bulldog will get between 22 and 30 kilograms and for a female it will be between 20 and 27.
Old Tyme Bulldogs tend to have a lifespan between 9 and 14 years, and these dogs are not recognized as a pedigree breed.
With this basic information out of the way, if you want to know more information about these dogs like specific pros and cons as well as information about raising one, all of this will be covered here, so if you are interested in this, keep reading!
Positives And Negatives Of The Breed
When it comes to raising different types of dogs, each breed has their own specific positives and negatives which can make raising them a challenge, or can make raising them easier.
If you know what these are beforehand you can make the necessary changes to offset the negatives, and can keep the positives in mind to know how to make raising them more efficient!
- This breed of dog does not need as much effort when it comes to grooming making it a more low maintenance breed to keep looking clean. When it comes to grooming, all you need to do is brush your Old Tyme Bulldog about once a week and then wipe them afterwards. This is all you need to do to keep your Old Tyme Bulldog clean.
- These dogs are actually quite intelligent and if you put the effort in to train them properly they will be both reliable and dependable.
- This is a good breed for raising with children and they will not get too excited and accidentally hurt children. They are also not too aggressive making them a good choice for having with kids.
- Old Tyme Bulldogs are quite loyal and are therefore trustworthy, this helps make them feel like part of your family making them a great choice to raise in this environment.
- These are quite an expensive breed of dog and if you want to purchase one as a puppy, you will likely be shelling out more than you would for a different breed.
- One famous aspect of Old Tyme Bulldogs which people sometimes forget is that they drool much more than the average dog after either drinking or eating, so while keeping them clean is not too hard, keeping the space around them clean is not always as easy.
- There are some specific health issues which affect these dogs quite commonly as well which means as well as the initial cost to buy them, there is a good chance you will have to spend a lot at the vet as well.
- Because of these illnesses, you will also have quite a high insurance price to pay since their lifespan can be affected severely if illnesses are not treated properly.
When it comes to raising a dog like an Old Tyme Bulldog, there is a lot to consider which can not be covered in just the pros and cons and the brief synopsis in the introduction, so because of this, we have included everything else you will need to know here!
This dog was bred as a cousin to the British Bulldog and was originally bred with the intention to retain the temperament and features of older bulldogs.
As mentioned, this breed is not seen as a pedigree because of it being a newer breed than most other pedigrees.
This is why many people breed Old Tyme Bulldogs so they can eventually get to the status of pedigree and get the official recognition.
If you raise an Old Tyme Bulldog well you will find that the behavior of your dog will be kind and loyal and will become a trustworthy companion and reliable member of your family.
As mentioned above, this dog is quite a new breed and because of this their history is quite short and easy to cover.
The Old Tyme Bulldog was bred with the desire to make a breed of dog with behavior from times in the past with a smaller head and a longer muzzle to standout from the other bulldog breeds available.
This is quite a popular breed currently for how well they fit into families as well as how low maintenance they are which makes them a good choice for children.
This breed is not officially recognized currently, however, this breed is still becoming more popular and they are being bred to the healthy standard to ensure that Old Tyme Bulldogs are a healthy breed.
If we want to have a look at the history of bulldogs as a whole, we can go as far back as the 1500s where we see the breed being born as a result of Mastiffs and Pugs (see also ‘The Complete Guide For White Pugs‘).
However, this is more a theory than history, so this is still debated.
Bulldogs have been used for both entertainment as well as work throughout their history and they have even been used in the bull and the bear baiting scene, which is why they tend to have a bit of a poor reputation which still sticks with the breed.
When getting an Old Tyme Bulldog, you want to ensure that you are doing all the necessary research and that you will be getting your dog from a breeder with a good reputation.
Because this is a relatively new breed, there is a chance that you could be put on a waiting list, but hopefully you will not be on there for too long!
Something which is very important to know when picking a dog breed to raise is what their personality is like and what it will be like to raise them.
While we have already highlighted a few factors of this like their loyalty and reliability, many people still have more specific questions they want answered about what they are like to have around.
So because of this we have answered some of the most common questions people have about this breed.
Are They Good With Strangers?

One aspect of Old Tyme Bulldogs which has been covered is their loyalty, and because of this there is a chance that they will want to protect their owner from certain strangers if they see them as a threat.
In spite of this, they, like most dogs, love attention, so if the stranger starts treating them well, they will soon get over being protective.
Are Old Tyme Bulldogs Aggressive?
While Old Tyme Bulldogs are quite an intelligent breed of dog, there is a chance that these dogs can be relatively stubborn.
In spite of this, if you are training your Old Tyme Bulldog properly as well as caring for it properly, you should not see any aggression or have to deal with this.
Because of this, in comparison to some more temperamental dogs, Old Tyme Bulldogs are seen as a more peaceful breed of dog, and with their good character you know that they will usually turn out to be well behaved dogs if you treat them well.
Are They Good With Children?
As we have mentioned a few times, Old Tyme Bulldogs are a great choice for families, and this includes families with children.
Old Tyme Bulldogs are a good choice to have around children as they tend to be loving as well as gentle.
However, with any breed of dog, they should not be left alone with children, even if you think you are able to trust them.
With your child and dog, you will want to make sure to be careful with playtime, as well as food.
There is a chance you could find your children and dog fighting over the object of desire which can lead to unnecessary conflict.
You should also remember that there is a good chance that younger children and babies will be scared of this dog as they would most dogs.
So, if you are insisting on getting a dog, but your child does not like dogs, just because this dog is child-friendly, does not mean that your child will like this dog.
It is important when getting a dog to consider the opinion of everyone in the family and not make any children uncomfortable if parents want a dog.
What Is The Old Tyme Bulldog Temperament Like?
While this dog is quite loyal if trained properly, they are also quite brave and loyal dogs as well. These dogs tend to create very strong bonds with the family they live with.
Because of this, they do not like to be left alone for too long and will likely suffer separation anxiety after being left alone for too long. This breed of dog has also been described as both playful as well clever.
Can They Be Trusted Around Other Dogs?
Generally speaking Old Tyme Bulldogs tend to be trustworthy enough around other dogs, especially if they have been socialized to be around other dogs while they are more young and impressionable.
This is an important part of training your dog which should definitely be considered if you want your dog to be healthy and happy.
If your dog is not being socialized properly, there is a chance they will become difficult as well as anti-social.
As mentioned, if you own an Old Tyme Bulldog, you will have to pay a quite expensive health insurance for the dog, and will likely end up with steep vet’s bills to ensure that your dog stays healthy.
Some of the most common issues which can be faced by Old Tyme Bulldogs include; Cysts, Patella Luxation, Pulmonic Stenosis, Sleep apnea, Tail problems, and Under bite.
There is also a chance on top of this, that a male stud Old Tyme Bulldog will have to deal with hip or elbow dysplasia, as well as breeders needing to test for hyperuricosuria before you take your Old Tyme Bulldog home.
This is not one of the most energetic dog breeds, however, you will want to be exercising this dog just as regularly as you would any other breed.
This will ensure that your Old Tyme Bulldog will stay in good shape, but will also not get as bored, since keeping a dog cooped up can lead to them getting more restless.
This means that going out is just as much a mental exercise as it a physical.
If you ignore this and do not give your Old Tyme Bulldog enough exercise, they may end up developing more destructive behavior as a way of displaying their displeasure.
This is why you will want to make sure that they are getting enough stimulation and exercise to ensure there are no bad habits developing.
While we have mentioned that the Old Tyme Bulldog is known for being quite intelligent, they are just as known for needing a fair amount of time to pick up new knowledge and skills, this dog likes to do what it does at its own pace and not rush.
This breed should be able to deal with obstacles quite well, but you will still want to ensure that they are trained otherwise they will end up both destructive and unhappy.
Once you get your Old Tyme Bulldog, you will want to start training them as soon as possible as this is when it will be easiest for your puppy to pick up more skills making things a lot easier down the road.
If you do not have the time to train them quickly, then using a class is a lot more convenient.
Hopefully this has given you all the information you need to be a good owner of an Old Tyme Bulldog!