If you’re decided on getting a Jug Puppy, thinking about getting a Jug puppy or already have your pup then this page will give you helpful advice from genuine owners of Jugs about what to expect and how to make it as much of a happy experience as possible!
This article will help with the first few days of bringing the pup home, what alterations or products you should consider and how to deal with the unexpected. If you want to find out how big a jug puppy is see here.
We will also briefly cover toilet training which is discussed more in depth in the caring for your Jug page.
We have collected our own experiences of raising our Jug pup and collated experiences of other Jug owners to give you a genuine insight into what it’s like and what to expect.
[su_heading]What To Consider Before Getting a Puppy[/su_heading]
A dog is a lifelong (for the dog) commitment and they are sentient beings. This means they have thoughts, feelings just like you and I. You should only consider getting a dog if you know you will be able to take care of properly. The dog’s welfare should be a priority and not the other way around, make sure to take into consideration everything before making this massive decision – research the breed to make sure it is suitable for your home and lifestyle and be 100% sure you have the time to care for it. Right, with that serious business over and we assume you understand the above let’s begin exploring the world of Jug puppy ownership!
- The simple step-by-step guide to training your puppy
[su_heading]Finding The Right Breeder[/su_heading]

This cannot be stressed enough here at JugDog.co.uk – make sure you get your Jug from a reputable breeder and not a puppy farm. Puppys bred and raised in the wrong environment can grow to have various health and behavioural problems. If you’re looking to get a puppy try and go and see the pup before 8 weeks and meet them properly, have a look around and see how the litter is being treated.
If there’s something not quite right you can usually tells straight away – are the pups sluggish, lame or in a scruffy state? Is the mother clearly around and looking after the pups? Does the breeder seem like someone who knows what they’re doing? Ask yourself these questions and if you feel comfortable then go for it, if you don’t then don’t proceed. If you feel something is really wrong then contact the RSPCA.
When picking out a pup there’s a few things to consider, when we went and found our Jeff we were looking for the pup with the most energy and activity, we weren’t picky about the sex we just wanted one who was clearly in good health and who was a bit cheeky. Our Jug, Jeff, actually came up to us when some of the others seemed afraid – we took this as a good sign and the rest is history.
[su_heading]Male or Female?[/su_heading]
It is worth considering choosing the right sex of the dog for your lifestyle as they have their difference just

like us.
Male Jugs
Male Jugs can, and I need to stress can, be more stable in terms of their mood and are less likely to suddenly ‘flip out’ like a female (bitch) can. However, male dogs can be bolder and more aggressive as their testosterone can take over (See here for neutering).
Female Jugs
Females can be emotionally unstable at times but are less aggressive and bolder. However, what you may find with females is that at certain times of the month your bitch may get more attention than you’d like during a walk outside. Jug bitches can be calmer and less boisterous, however.
[su_heading]What To Consider Before Bringing A Pup Home[/su_heading]
Proper car needs to be taken to make sure your home is fit for a pup. They are very curious and will explore, chew and will keep you on your toes. Decide beforehand these factors –
- Where will the puppy sleep?
- Where will the puppy eliminate?
- Where is dangerous for the pup to go and how can you stop access?
- Where will the puppy be when you’re out of the house?
- Have you got other pets and how will you introduce them?
- Where and what will the puppy eat?
- How will you keep the pup entertained?
We will break down these questions with advice on how to deal with each and every one.
Where will the puppy sleep?
Your puppy will sleep a lot, sometimes it will feel like they’ve been sleeping for the whole day, so deciding where they will sleep is an important decision. You’ve got a few choices really you can buy a traditional dog bed or cushion, a crate (see here for crate training) or an outside kennel. You can even just let your dog sleep on your bed, just remember that dogs are creatures of habit and once they start sleeping somewhere it’ll be tough to get them to stop!
Where Where will the puppy eliminate?
For more in depth tips please visit our housebreaking or training page.
This is the aspect of puppy owners people dread or maybe even become ignorant to but the fact remains: puppies are messy! Decided in advance where and how you are going to let your pup eliminate. Some people may not have a garden and therefore puppy pads may be a good option – for others with an area such as a garden things get a lot easier. Whatever you decide, make sure you are prepared!
- Super Absorbent 6 layer pads

Where is dangerous for the pup to go and how can you stop access?
Everyone house proofs their home before bringing home a baby and so you should for pups. Coming into a new place they will be very curious and keen to explore, remember to keep an eye out wherever it goes at the early stages and keep everything obvious and dangerous out of the way such as loose cables, cleaning agents, food. Anything that can be eaten or chewed will be eaten and chewed!
Furthermore, if you take it outside to the garden ensure that it can’t escape and other dogs/cats etc can also not get in too easily. Sadly, a small puppy can be prayed on quite easily by a bigger, vicious animal. Be warned.
Where will the puppy be when you’re out of the house?
Every section we’ve covered comes into play when you think about what your pup will be doing and where it will be when you’re out of the house. Firstly, not everyone agrees but we do recommend crate training as we feel it helped a lot with our Jugs and made it easier to train overall. Plan ahead for this situation and you will be fine!
Have you got other pets and how will you introduce them?
If you already have pets it is understood that your new puppy and them will need to coexist peacefully. Introduce them together safely and under strict supervision and never leave them alone unsupervised. Cats can be aggressive towards animals in their territory as can other dogs and they may not take too kindly to an intruder at first.
Where and what will the puppy eat?
Pups and young Jugs have a sensitive digestive system and they won’t be able to handle grown up dog food so you’ll need to get some specifically created puppy food for them to munch on. Some breeders may give you a puppy pack to take home – if not we suggest fish4dogs puppy food as our Jug seemed to love it and he’s grown up to a very healthy Jug. You should also decide where your pup is going to be fed, they can be a messy lot so we’d suggest an easily cleanable area such as the kitchen.
If you have other dogs make sure to not feed them too close, you may even want to think about feeding them at different times in case they get aggressive about protecting their food.
- Highly palatable - dogs love the taste of fish
[su_heading]Raising A Happy And Healthy Jug Pup[/su_heading]
Once you’ve got your little bundle of joy home and you feel prepared to it’s time to raise your puppy for real.
First Days
In the first few days we recommend taking some time off work if you work – so that you can let the pup get used to you and its new surroundings. Start housebreaking immediately and find yourself your local vet (the pup will need vaccinations at 12 weeks). Don’t rush to take the puppy out for a walk before the vaccinations as it can catch lethal diseases such as rabies and parvo. Do not risk it is our advice, catching a disease like this is extremely likely to result in a fatality.
Start setting boundaries for your pup and let him or her know where it’s ok to go and where it isn’t. Dogs at a young age learn very quickly and the effort you put in at this stage will impact on what kind of Jug you will have for the rest of its life.
Alongside housebreaking, we recommend starting to train your dog simple commands straight away – check out the training page for more information. We would also suggest taking them to a puppy class that will a) help them socialise straight away b) allow you to train your Jug with the help of a qualified and experienced dog trainer.
The key to having a well behaved and obedient dog is to start early.
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